Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Ayudemos a Filipinas!

Como saben, nuestro amigo Glenn es de Filipinas y si han oído las noticias hubo un deslave en una aldea que desgraciadamente mató a mucha gente......... Resulta que Glenn nació muy cerca de esa aldea y su familia aún reside ahi..... Gracias a Dios no les pasó nada a ellos pero a mucha gente si, asi que estamos juntando donativos para ayudarlos...... les anexo el mail de Glenn y si quieren ayudar avisenme y acuerdense de algo...... hoy por ellos mañana por nosotros......

Dear Friends and colleagues:

As more of you know already the unfortunate tragedy that happened in the Philippines that killed almost 2000 people in a small village. This village is in the same region as where I grew up and they speak the same dialect as I do. I was surprised when I heard people crying being interviewed in the CNN and I understood them as they spoke, not in Filipino but the local dialect in my province.


I would like to appeal to your kind and generous heart for voluntary amount of donation. As you know small amout will do, it will reach them and help them. You can pledge and send me an e-mail, I will transfer the total sum to Cemex Philippines foundation for the relief efforts to aid the families of the people affected by this tradegy.

Thank you very much.
Best regards,